The South Indian film industry faced a tremendous fall due to the covid-19 pandemic. A proper example of this would be “Malik,” a Malayalam language political thriller film released in 2021. Due to the pandemic, the release date got postponed several times. The film was completed by 18th January 2020, but the pandemic delayed the release date. However, the OTT platform came to its rescue, and after some failed attempts to release last, a renowned OTT platform released this film on 16th July 2021.
aha, an OTT platform helps many Telugu thriller movies by providing a platform where the theatres are closed. The platform allows people by providing them a platform to watch films. So if you are a film fanatic and fan of Telugu thriller movies, then you can go to this OTT platform and watch your favourite film, shows, and web series.
Casting and Direction of Malik
Malik is a Malayalam political thriller written and directed by Mahesh Narayanan and produced by Anto joseph. The film features Fahadh Fassil as the protagonist; Nimish Sajayan, Vinay Forrt, and more actors are part of the film.
Sanu Varghese handled the cinematography, and Mahesh Narayanan edited the film. The music was composed and produced by Sushin Shyam.
An Overview of the Plot
The film’s plot might be loosely based on the 2009 Beemaoally police shooting. The film established a godfather of Ramadapally known as ahammadali Sulaiman. The film plot is ridden with crime, death, and pain. Another character is Freddy, a juvenile character assigned to eliminate his estranged uncle Sulaiman behind bars. The film’s politics and thrill will hook you until the movie ends.
Appreciation and Appulse of the Film
Many critics praise the performance of the cast, especially Fahadh Faasil. 90% of Rotten Tomatoes critics give positive reviews about the film. They rate the film 6.9 out of 10. The Times of India rates the film 3 out of 5. Another film critic, portal Firstpost, rated the film 4 out of 5 and said the film shows a grand gripping saga on the tricky communal ground. The film provides an exciting pace, and you will lose important information if you can not put away your attention from the movie for a moment.
The Hindu stated that their film is a multilayered mass entertainer with fantastic character arcs and performers. There is much more appreciation for the acting and the executions.
Watch Political Thriller Films on aha
You can stream aha to see the latest Telugu movies. Firstly you need a subscription that you can activate by submitting the bare minimum of personal details and paying a small amount.
All the new malik Telugu movie can be watched online seamlessly whenever you want. The subscription to aha is easy to take; you may choose any package from monthly to yearly. You can also increase the screen number with add ons facility. It helps you to watch your favourite shows on your mobile, computer, or smart TV.
Also, aha provides monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, and yearly packages, so you can choose any of them depending on your requirements and budget. So if you are really into Telugu films, you must take a subscription to aha and watch malik Telugu movie online.